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Books & Sounds
Vickie’s book and two CDs are available through amazon.com, but also directly by contacting Vickie at info@sacredsoundworks.com.

Tuning the Blues to Gold: Soundprints Book
Tuning the Blues to Gold: Soundprints
A Living Book and CD by Vickie Dodd
Wovenword Press “This book is revolutionary. Because it is primarily in verse, it is rhythmic and has meter. Be prepared to laugh, to weep, to whine, to moan, to groan. Be prepared to read it aloud and take the sounds deep into your cellular memory where Mother-Father-Mother-Source reside.” Kay Gardner, Composer and Author
Contact me to to purchase this book and CD.

The Well Cell Book
The Well Cell
Waking the Amnesia of Wellness
A Healing Sound CD by Vickle Dodd This CD is designed to express feelings of depression from the body. Vocalized sounds and poetry are used as a rhythmic formula for remembering wellness. “The risk of being well is the warrior of the future.”
Contact me to to purchase this CD or digital sound file.

Rest Assured CD
Rest Assured
Parasympathetic Resonance
CD by Vickie Dodd and James Hoskins
This CD holds the intention to rest, intention to entrain, intention to restore and remember how to live within the parasympathetic system. The parasympathetic system is the place that our being can rest, relax, meditate, digest and assimilate our nutritional needs.
Contact me to to purchase this CD or digital sound file.

Resonance Meditations: A Restorative Journey CD
Resonance Meditations
A Restorative Journey
CD by Vickie Dodd
Contact me to to purchase this CD or digital sound file.