Join us for ecstatic times, filled with
lots of important information on vibrational healing
and many moments of profound shared peace and stillness.
November 11-15
To See Details of Workshops and Register go to
Presented in association with Lauren Gayley and New Earth One

Michael Tellinger

Sonja Drakulich
 Vickie Dodd

Carsten Spencer

Jamie Lu
Shanti Lleone
Michael Tellinger, John Stuart Reid, Nestor Kornblum, Gary Malkin, Don Estes, Lisa Rafel, Zacciah Blackburn, Steven Halpern, Eileen McKusick, John St. Claire, Suzanne Sterling, Sonja Drakulich, Silvina Vergara, Vickie Dodd, Emile Janse, Lucinda Barry Bell, Carsten Spencer, Alexandre Tannous, Jamie Lu, Shanti Lleone, and David Gibson.
A Benefit for the Sound Healing Research Foundation
a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Foundation
All Donations are 100% tax deductible.
The Sound Healing Research Foundation is performing clinical research on the use of
Sound and Music in the following areas: • Pain Management
• Autism, • ADD/ADHD
• PTSD • Drug Rehabilitation • Sleep Disorders
A Good Balance of
Sound Healing Science, New Technologies,
and Life Transforming Experiential Workshops.
20 of the top Researchers, Pioneers, Instructors, Doctors, Sound Therapists, and Musicians in the field addressing important issues and topics in this
rapidly expanding field of Sound Healing.
• Sound, Meditation, & Consciousness • Sound and Children
• Natural Acoustic Sound Healing: Voice, Bowls, Tuning Forks, Gongs
• Healing Sounds and Music • Sound and Medicine
• New Sound Technologies • Sacred Geometry
• Voice Analysis • Sound and Intuition
10 minute Sound Meditations before each Presentation
Workshop Schedule
All times are Pacific Time
Wednesday 11/11
9AM – David Gibson
10:30AM – Silvina Vergara
12:00AM – Eileen McKusick
1:30PM – Zacciah Blackburn
3:00PM – Steven Halpern
Thursday 11/12
9AM – Jamie Lu
10:30AM – Nestor Kornblum
12:00pm – Vickie Dodd
1:30PM – Alexandre Tannous
Friday 11/13
9AM – Suzanne Sterling
10:30AM – John Stuart Reid
12:00AM – Shanti Lleone
1:30PM – Carsten Spencer
3:00PM – Don Estes
Saturday 11/14
9AM – Master Mingtong Gu
10:30AM – Michael Tellinger
12:00AM – John St. Claire
1:30PM – Medical Sound Association Live Meeting
Sunday 11/15
9AM – Gary Malkin
10:30AM – Lisa Rafel
12:00AM – Sonja Drakulich
1:30PM – Sound Education Association Live Meeting
• To bring people into profound states of higher consciousness.
• To help the public to understand and experience the science and effectiveness behind Sound Healing in order to help bring it more into the mainstream (homes and hospitals) and gain more acceptance.
• To share treatments with sound, music and vibration for healing a wide range of physical and emotional issues.
• To bring Sound Healing into the medical side of hospitals.
• To bring Sound Healing into schools for children.
The Sound Healing Research Foundation will simultaneously be launching two new Associations that you might find interesting.
Sound Education Association – The Sound Healing Research Foundation received a $100,000 grant to develop a sound curriculum for children for two Montessori schools. With our staff of 24 instructors, we have now developed over 2500 exercises — each based on the latest 30 books on Brain Development for children at different age levels. We are now setting up the Sound Education Association to bring this curriculum into Public and Private schools around the world. Checkout the home schooling version at
Medical Sound Association – The primary goal is to help bring Sound into the Medical side of hospitals (as opposed to the Integrative Therapy side). With a wide range of doctors and sound therapists we will be developing detailed guidelines for performing research on using sound and music to cure every disease. We will begin by creating safety guidelines for different issues. We will also have intake/outtake forms that practitioners can fill out that will show symptoms on a scale of 1-10. Over time we will be able to show the efficacy of treatments for different instruments and tools for specific physical and emotional issues.
“These conferences are profound experiences. From information, concepts and new ideas that peak the imagination, and give hope for the world… to heart opening sound healing experiences that connect everyone and create a whole atmosphere of love and harmony.”
To see details of Workshops Register go to
“Come and Be Vibrated into Bliss”
415 777-2486