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Tuning The Blues to Gold

Tuning The Blues to Gold

EXERCISE for Dissolving Words EEE EEEE 0 AH W/PULSE Vowels EEEE 00000 AH EEEE OOOO AH Repeat these vowels several times with a fast, quick pulse. It doesn't matter if the vowels get mixed up and start changing on you, follow them, & keep a quick pulse rhythm Then...

Stored Judgment

Stored Judgment

"Words are not just stored in our Heads But…in our tissue, blood, organs, cells, bone." p. 108 Blues to Gold: Soundprints Working with people over the past 4 decades has taught me that verbal abuse stays in the tissue, gets imbedded in the fabric of our bodies, can...

Why Should We Meditate?

Why Should We Meditate?

WHY SHOULD WE MEDITATE? "First of all because each of us needs to realize total rest." Thich Naht Hanh Meditation has been used throughout the centuries and in all spiritual traditions to develop inner peace and solace, and to gain insight, wisdom and enlightenment....

The Hum Is The Most Powerful Sound Tool

The Hum Is The Most Powerful Sound Tool

The Hum is the most powerful Sound tool I can share with you. The hum sound can be created audibly and silently. The two forms engage our being in a different way. I offer both techniques for you to experiment with and experience for yourself the benefits of audible...

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